Apr 20

The Family of God!

The weekend before last, Miranda and I were in Colorado Spring, Colorado for a youth conference. While we were there we made an observation about what a great blessing we have as Christians to have family all across the world.

Miranda and I were met on our first full day in Colorado by a couple from the congregation named Allen and Tina. They took us to dinner and spent over three hours talking with us, getting to know us, and sharing thoughts on God’s Word with us. Over the course of the weekend, they continually checked with us to see if we had everything we needed. Sunday, after our morning worship service, Allen, Tina and their three children invited us to lunch. What a blessing it was to meet this great couple and get to know them better.

Even though Miranda and I were in a completely different part of our country, a part that neither one of us had ever been before, we felt like we were a part of Allen and Tina’s family. Allen and Tina went out of their way to make us feel welcomed. They introduced us to people, sat with us, ate with us, and asked questions in order to get to know us; they made our trip so much more enjoyable.

When I think about the bond we share a Christians, I am reminded that family was all a part of God’s BIG plan. Yes, God provided the church as a means to help us find salvation. Yes, God provided the church so He could be worshipped and glorified. Yes, God provided the church so we could have a place to be encouraged and uplifted. But, let us not forget God provided the church so we would have an extended family.

Paul said, “For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:26-28).

When we are baptized into Christ, we become part of the family of God. This family is unlike any other family in that we are united by the blood of Christ. Knowing that we can travel across our country, and even around the world, and find members of our spiritual family is so encouraging. What a blessing it is to be a part of the family of God!

Now that’s Something to Think About!