Dec 23

>Holiday Thoughts!


Today marks the eve of Christmas Eve! In the next few days most people will be with family and friends celebrating. With this in mind, here are a few holiday thoughts to consider.

Remember ’tis the season for giving!

If you receive a present, be grateful! Money is tight for everyone right now.

If you don’t receive a present, be grateful. Most of us already have more than we need!

Enjoy the time you have with your family and friends!


If you don’t get the gift you really wanted, you probably didn’t need it anyway!

Remember, while you are enjoying lots of delicious food, there are people all across the world who have nothing to eat!

Say a prayer for the blessings God has given you! We are all blessed abundantly more than we deserve.

Laugh some more!

Don’t lose sight of what is important!

Be safe as you travel!

Have yourself a Merry little Christmas!

Now that’s Something to Think About!

Dec 20

>Are You Excited About Your Gift?


I have spent the last few posts discussing reasons why I believe this is the most wonderful time of the year. Today I would like to conclude this series of posts with a fourth and final reason and that is the excitement that this time of year generates.
With Christmas only 5 days away, kids and even most adults, are getting excited about all the events that they will be participating in come the next few days. In fact, I’m one of those adults. I am super excited about everything that we have going on. The holiday parties, the family get-togethers and yes, the presents. This is an exciting time of the year.
As I think about the excitement that I have and the excitement that I have observed from those around me during this holiday season, I can’t help but feel somewhat guilty. Why is it that this level of excitement that we see in our culture only comes once a year? Don’t we have a lot to be excited about?
Perhaps, it’s because of the traditions or family get-togethers. Maybe more realistically, it’s because of the presents and gifts that will be exchanged, at least every kid in America probably thinks so. However, as I think about this, I can’t help but realize that we have access to a gift that should generate excitement all year long.
Don’t get me wrong, I love getting Christmas presents. However, they all fail in comparison to the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ. As I have already discussed, I think this is the most wonderful time of the year because of the focus that is placed upon Christ Jesus. This focus typically is in reference to his birth. However, maybe even more important than His birth was the reason He came to this earth in the first place. Jesus Christ was born in order to die. Yes, you read that correctly! Jesus was sent to this world for one purpose and one purpose only, to die for the sins of the world. Jesus Himself said, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
Friends, for this we should be excited all year long. God gave us the greatest gift that could ever possibly be given in order for us to have eternal life with Him. If that doesn’t get you excited, then I don’t know what will. In the next few days as the excitement and anticipation builds, think about the gift that God has offered to you, salvation. Are you as excited about this gift as you are your Christmas gifts?  
Now that’s Something to Think About!
Dec 16

We Are Family!


The last two days I have posted reasons why I believe this to be the most wonderful time of the year. Today, I would like for you to consider with me a third reason and that is family.
Over the course of the next few days, many of you will be traveling to the home of some family member to begin your Christmas celebration. You will probably enjoy a meal together; some laughs about an event that happened way back when, and then you will exchange gifts. I know that for me and my family this is always a special time. We always have so much fun when we get together. The stories, the jokes, the memories, they all add up to a wonderful celebration.
When I think about this being the most wonderful time of the year, I think about the opportunity that I have to spend time with my family. I am excited about all of us being together once again. In my opinion, family is so important, both biological and extended. Let me give you a few reasons why I believe this is true.  
First, family is important because our family serves as a support system. They are the ones who generally support us in our decisions. When Miranda and I were considering the work at Karns, both our families were very supportive even though that meant us moving farther away from them. They encouraged us to do what was in our best interest even if that meant us moving to Knoxville. When God created the home (family), God created a build in support system for each of us.
Another reason family is so important is because your family will always be there when you need them. When you are having a difficult time in life, your family is generally there for you. When something happens in your life and all your friends leave you or turn their back on you, your family will still be there. When I think about this I am reminded of the prodigal son who after leaving home with his inheritance lived a life of luxury. I picture this young man as one who partied with friends every night of the week. His life was good. Then one day he ran out of money, his inheritance was gone.  Where were all his friends? It appears they had walked away from him. Here he was out of money and having no friends. What was he to do? He hired himself out to a citizen of the land and became a caretaker to pigs. Now doesn’t that sound like a great life? It wasn’t for a young Jewish boy. Finally, one day he realized he could go back home and be a servant for his father and still have it better than what he currently had. So off he went. Only what happened next caught him by surprise. As he got close to home his father ran out to meet him, hugged and kissed him, and welcomed him home. What a great picture of family. Even when everyone else had walked out on him, his family was there.
I could go on and on about why family is so important, but I’m sure you get the point. Families are special! I have been blessed by God with a wonderful family that I love. I can’t wait to spend a few days with them in the coming weeks. I hope that you have an opportunity to be with your family in the coming days and weeks as well. If you don’t, plan an opportunity to be together sometime in the near future. After all, family is so important!
Now that’s Something to Think About!
Dec 15

‘Tis the Season for Giving!


We are only 10 days away from Christmas Day. On that particular day, most of you will gather with your family around a Christmas tree and swap gifts. For kids, this is their favorite part of Christmas, PRESENTS! I remember when I was young my brother, sister and I would get up bright and early on Christmas Day and run into my parents’ room and wake them up. After all, the presents were waiting for us under the tree with our names on them!
As I have gotten older my favorite part of Christmas has changed somewhat. Sure, I still love opening presents, just ask my wife. I’m like a big kid when it comes to Christmas presents. I love to shake them and try and guess what the gift is before I open it. However, even more than opening presents, I enjoy giving presents. I know it’s hard to believe someone would enjoy giving more than receiving, but that’s exactly how I feel. I’m not typically a fan of shopping except during this time of year. I love going and looking for the perfect gift and then giving that gift to the person I picked it out for. When Miranda opens her presents from me, I’m probably more excited about it than she is, well…probably not, but you get the point. I love giving Christmas gifts to others because of the joy it brings.
This is the time of year where giving gifts to others is a common practice. We give those gifts with smiles on our faces. However, outside the Christmas season, how often do we give gifts to others? If we are truly honest with ourselves, thinking about that might cause us to feel bad because sometimes we’re not very giving outside of the Christmas season.
Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). You may be thinking, “But I am fairly good when it comes to giving.” If that’s you then ask yourself, “What’s my motive for giving?” Our motives really tell the story behind our giving. We may give a gift to someone, but is it because we expect something in return? Jesus said, “If you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners in order to receive back the same amount” (Luke 6:34). Perhaps, you give not to gain something in return, but in order to be noticed by people. It’s that type of motive Jesus had in mind when He said, “So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you” (Matthew 6:2-4).
Friends, this is the most wonderful time of the year because of the giving attitude that most all those around us have. It is this kind of attitude that we should have every season. I hope and pray that the giving attitude you have this holiday season will be one that continues throughout the entire New Year!
 Now that’s Something to Think About!
Dec 14

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year


I love this time of year. The Christmas trees, the lights, the decorations, the holiday food, the cool crisp air and people getting into the holiday spirit. This truly is the most wonderful time of year. My next few post are going to center on why I believe this is the most wonderful time of year. I hope this serves as a challenge to you to live these things out all year long.
I want to begin with what I consider to be one of the main reasons for this being the most wonderful time of the year. In my opinion it’s because people are more focused on Jesus. Drive around and it won’t take you very long before you will see a nativity scene in someone’s yard or a sign that reads, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” While it should happen more often, I am thankful that people spend this time of year focusing on our Savior. Paul tells us, “Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” (Col. 3:2). I wish people lived this way all the time and not just during this time of year!
Unfortunately, there are some people today who have forgotten what this country was founded upon and are trying hard to remove Christianity altogether. Prayer has been taken out of schools, kids can no longer carry their Bibles around and read them during their free time and now some Americans feel as though saying, “Merry Christmas” is politically incorrect. Instead, we live in a society that wants us to say, “Happy Holidays.”
This truly disappoints me. What’s wrong with “Merry Christmas?” What’s wrong with our country believing in a savior? What’s wrong with people placing their focus upon the son of God? Although, I don’t believe Jesus was born on December 25th, I don’t have a problem with people celebrating His birth. In fact, I wish people would celebrate His birth, His life, His death and His resurrection every day because all are of great importance to our eternal destiny. Without His birth, His life, His death and His resurrection, we would have no hope. Friends, the focus that so many place upon Jesus during this time of year would do even more good if that same focus were seen year around.
To me, this is the most wonderful time of year because so many people place Christ where He belongs year around: at the center of their lives. This Christmas season celebrate not only the birth of Jesus, but the life, the death and the resurrection of Jesus by placing Him at the center of your heart. Then live this way all day every day all year long.
Now that’s Something to Think About!