Dealing With Difficult People
As a Christian, several things can be classified as hard. For example, evangelizing a lost friend or neighbor might be considered hard by some. For others, finding time alone with God is tough. For me, one of the hardest parts of my Christian walk is dealing with difficult people. I find it hard to deal with people when it seems their sole purpose in life is to make my life difficult. Whether it is a friend, boss, neighbor, relative or even a member of your church family, it’s never easy to deal with difficult people.
The good news is that God’s Word gives us insight in to dealing with difficult people. Consider Paul’s words to the church at Rome when describing how the gospel should look in the life of believers: “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceable with all” (Rom. 12:18). Paul told the Christians at Rome to live peaceably with all people if possible. Don’t you suppose difficult people fall in to this category as well? I do. Yet, even though they may be difficult, Paul teaches us to strive to live in peace with them.
Jesus had to deal with difficult people too. Some people opposed His ministry (Mk. 5:1-17; Lk. 4:16-29), didn’t believe He was who He said He was (Jn. 12:35-37), and some even sought to kill Him (Jn. 7:1-25). It doesn’t get much more difficult than this. Yet, Jesus preached, “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets” (Matt. 7:12). Notice Jesus said we are to treat people the way we want to be treated, not the way people treat us.
The next time you are annoyed by the difficult people in your life, remember how the Bible teaches us to deal with them. Strive for peace and treat them in the manner you want them to treat you. Situations with difficult people will always occur, but our actions should be pleasing to God and that’s what’s most important.
Now that’s Something to Think About!
The Power of Working Together
When people work together, the end result is always better. When sports teams work together, they win. When companies pull together, their businesses grow. When churches function as one, they make a difference. Success is the sum of people working together
Consider a few of the verses we read in scripture about working together:
- “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)
- “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” (Prov. 27:17)
- “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For the body does not consist of one member but of many. But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.” (I Corinthians 12:12, 14, 18-20)
We recently concluded our Vacation Bible School here at Karns. What a wonderful week we had training to be superheroes for God! As the coordinator of VBS, I am well aware of the many different details which have to be attended to in order for VBS to run smoothly and successfully. None of this would happen without the many different people, of various ages, working together and functioning as one big unit. Imagine if the people in the skit room decided to do their own thing instead of the written script? What if the decorating committee decided to just not decorate? How smooth would VBS run if the craft or game room leaders decided not to do any prep work beforehand? You see, VBS would never be successful if we didn’t have a large group of individuals who were willing to work together as one for a common goal.
Just as Nehemiah and the people had to work together in order to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem in only 52 days (Neh. 4-6), God’s people have to work together as one in order to accomplish giant tasks which sometimes might seem overwhelming. Vacation Bible School was a success because we had over 130 people who believed in the power of working together. Let’s keep this momentum going in other areas of our church work. Imagine the good we can accomplish!
Now that’s Something to Think About!
What’s the Big Deal?
Growing up there was one question I always wanted to know: “why do I have to go to school?” After all, what’s the big deal about school anyways? I was often given several answers when it came to this question. After finishing years of school which includes the graduate level, I now realize the importance such a question. Going to school helped me to learn so I could be successful in my life. It provided me a great opportunity to meet people who I still share a strong bond with even today.
Just like school there are many people today who want to know what the big deal is about attending worship services. It is evident people today do not think attending is a big deal. Just take a look at the average Sunday morning attendance. Notice the huge difference between the Sunday morning and Sunday evening assembly.
Throughout the scriptures we find reasons for gathering together to worship. One of the most used verses when it comes to this subject reads, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching” (Heb. 10:25). Most of us know God wants His people to gather together. The question we really want to know is, “why?”
The writer of Hebrews says, “Exhorting one another.” We gather to exhort and encourage each other. After a long week with lots of difficulties and problems, there’s no better place to find encouragement than with the Lord’s people. Every time we come together to worship we have an opportunity to encourage our brethren. We have a chance to grow and share with one another while building a bond we can cherish for a lifetime.
Attending worship services not only provides us a chance to be encouraged and uplifted, but it also provides us a chance to learn how to be successful throughout our lifetime. Every time we come to worship we are given another opportunity to study and grow. Paul taught about the importance of studying (2 Tim. 2:15). The only way to learn God’s will and what we must do to be saved is by studying the truths of God’s word. Attending worship provides us an opportunity to study together so we may grow and be successful as God defines success.
Early on I did not understand the importance of going to school. In time though, I learned going to school had many wonderful benefits. The same can be said of attending worship and even more so. When we attend worship services regularly we have an opportunity to be encouraged while learning how to be successful by God’s standards. Friends, that’s a big deal!
I hope to see you the next time the doors are opened for worship.
Now that’s Something to Think About!
Question: What are some of the biggest reasons people are not attending worship services today? What can we do to change this? Leave your comments.
REST: It’s A Good Thing
Last week, Miranda, Caden and I traveled to Florida for our first family vacation. It’s the first time I’ve been away on vacation in 3 years. Originally I was schedule to be in Honduras last week on a mission trip, but the great elders I work for thought it would do me some good to get away with my family instead. Boy were they right! I took nothing work related with me and spent the entire week “away” from all the things I have going on in my life right now. Quite frankly, it’s was an amazing week for me.
While away, I had time to relax and think about a lot of different things. I had an opportunity to reflect on my relationship with God as well as my relationship with my family. Today, I would like to share with you a few things I realized while taking time away last week.
Everyone needs to rest at some point. It can be easy to constantly be on the go and never take time to stop and refresh. However, rest is an important part of our lives. Think about all the times Jesus went away to be alone and rest, not to mention God rested after creating the world in six days. If the creator of the universe and His son took time to get away and rest, what makes us think we can go, go, go without ever resting?
Rest improves one’s relationship with God. By taking time to stop from the everyday routine of life, I was able to spend more time in the reading of God’s Word and prayer. I had plenty of opportunities to reflect on my spiritual well-being. When one takes time to do these things, one’s relationship with God can’t help but improve.
Time spent with family is time well spent. I can’t begin to put into words the pure joy I felt being able to spend every waking moment with my wife and son. I wasn’t away when Caden was awake during the day. I didn’t have to tell Miranda that I would do something with her when I finished whatever I was working on. Every moment of my time last week was spent with my two favorite people in the whole world. No doubt, it was time well spent.
Time away helps increase productivity. Who knew that taking time away to rest could actually help me to be more productive? Now that I’m back in the office, I’m looking forward to VBS, Make Me A Servant Week, Horizons, Camp, etc. Planning for these events is exciting again because I’m so refreshed. My time away has helped my productivity.
I will make it a point to take time “completely” away more often. After seeing and feeling the benefits that accompanied my time away, I will definitely make it a point to get away more often. When I say get away, I don’t mean just work from home. No, I plan to get completely away and not think or do anything work related. Hopefully, my wife and son will be enough motivation for me to do this more often in the future. Rest truly is a good thing.
Words cannot express my sincere gratitude to the elders of the Karns congregation and to all the parents who persuaded me to get away. It was truly a blessing for me and my family. Now…let’s get ready for the rest of the summer!
Now that’s Something to Think About!