In His Own Eyes
The book of Judges is an exciting book to read but a sad reflection of God’s people. The book ends with one of the saddest verses in all of scripture: “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Jgs. 21:25). These very words are clearly seen from the outset (Jgs. 1:27-2:5) when Israel failed to complete the conquest of Canaan by not driving out the inhabitants of the land. This failure led to Israel’s unfaithfulness and set the course for what would be the pattern throughout the entire book of Judges; 1) The people turned their back on God, 2) God punished them by raising up their enemies against them, 3) The people cried out to God for help, 4) God raised up a judge to deliver them, 5) The land had a period of rest, 6) The cycle is repeated.
As I reflect on the book of Judges, I can’t help but wonder, “Are God’s people today committing the same sin as the people of Israel did in the book of Judges? Are we doing what is right in our own eyes?” To answer these questions honestly, each of us must answer a few underlining questions about our lives.
1) Do I fully desire to live out God’s will for my life (Eph. 6:5-7)?
2) Do I fully desire to live according to God’s standards, even when they conflict with my own desires and interests (Rom. 13:12-14)?
3) Do I fully desire to honor and worship God the way He has commanded (Jn. 4:24)?
4) Do I fully desire to please God above everyone and everything in my life (Gal. 1:10; Jn. 13:42-43; Acts 5:29)?
5) Do I fully desire to give up and sacrifice my rights, my privileges and my desires because I want to be totally devoted to God (Gal. 2:20)?
Friends, if we answer NO to any of the above questions, I’m afraid we are guilty of doing what is right in our own sight. The book of Judges is a tragic display of self-destruction. When God’s people begin doing what is right in our own eyes, we open our lives up to a huge mess!
Dream Great Dreams Pt. 4: What Great Dreams Require
If you haven’t read the first three posts of this series, click below.
As I conclude this series on “Dream Great Dreams,” I want to talk today about what great dreams require. Everything worthwhile in life requires something. If you want to lose weight, you have to exercise and eat right. If you want to bulk up, you have to hit the gym and push yourself harder than you have before. If you want to have a great marriage, you have to work at meeting the needs of your spouse. If you want to become an expert in a certain field, you have to study hard…a lot!!!
If we want to accomplish our great dreams for God, we have to do the unordinary. We have to be willing to do what few people will do. Take Abram as an example. God told him he would be abundantly blessed and that all the families of the earth would be blessed through him. All Abram had to do was leave his homeland and go to the land God would show him. There was a catch though. When Abram left, God hadn’t told him where he was going…Abram simply had to trust God (Gen. 12).
It’s easy to think we would have been willing to do what Abram did. However, if we answer honestly, I’m not sure we could say we would have done what he did. You see, Abram did the unordinary. Very few people would have been willing to leave their homeland, their family and their friends, in order to be led to some unknown destination. Yet, that’s what Abram did…he did the unordinary and was greatly blessed.
If Christians are going to accomplish great dreams, Christians are going to have to do the unordinary. We are going to have to step out of our comfort zone and trust God to make things happen. We have to believe God can take our dreams and make them a reality. Unless we do this, we will never fully accomplish all that is possible.
Friends, God is inviting ordinary Christians to dream great dreams. He wants us to dream big when it comes to making an eternal impact. God does this not for the glory of Christians, but for His glory. Throughout this series I have asked, “What’s your dream?” As you contemplate this question consider this: “The size of our dreams reflects the size of our God!” The only question that remains is, “How big are you dreaming?”
Now that’s Something to Think About!