Oct 19

One Big Mistake…

What do Benedict Arnold, Tiger Woods, Jephthah, Judas, Thomas and Peter all have in common? Each of these men are remembered for one BIG mistake. Benedict Arnold had a successful military career but is remembered for his treason. Tiger Woods is one of the greatest golfers to ever play but is remembered for his repeated acts of adultery. Jephthah was a great leader in Israel who is mentioned in the Hall of Faith in the book of Hebrews, but he is remembered for the tragic vow he made before God. Judas was an apostle of Jesus who carried the disciples’ money bag but is remembered for his kiss of betrayal. Thomas went outside the Roman empire and helped convert thousands to Christ but is remembered for his doubting the resurrection. Peter preached the first Gospel sermon but is remembered for his denial of Jesus.

In spite of the fact that each of these men had more successes than failures, they are remembered for one BIG mistake. People don’t reflect on all the good they did, only their brief moments of weakness. What if no matter how much good we do, others only remember our failures and moments of weaknesses? What if after we’ve passed from this life, all people can say about us centers around our mistakes?

Friends, let’s be careful to live our lives in such a God-honoring way that when others go to speak evil of us, they have nothing to say because we are remembered for the good and not for the mistakes we made. This doesn’t mean we will be perfect and never mess up, it just means our God-honoring life will outweigh our mistakes and failures.

For we aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of man.” (2 Cor 8:21)

That you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.”  (Phil. 2:15)

Now that’s Something to Think About!


Oct 18

When It’s Time For A New Heart Part 3

Today is the final post in the series, “When It’s Time For A New Heart.” If you missed part 1 click here or for part 2 click here.

God was displeased with the people of Judah for their disobedience. Through the prophet Ezekiel, God told the people He was going to give them a new heart (Eze. 36:26). But why? Why did the people of Judah need a new heart?

They Didn’t Live To Please God

Judah’s problem stemmed from the fact they didn’t live to obey God (v. 27). God was going to put His spirit in them so they would walk in His statutes and obey His rules. The people were living to please themselves. It was about what made them happy. They weren’t living their lives to please God, that’s why they were in need of a new heart.

As Christians, the greatest commandment we have is to love the Lord God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength (Matt. 27:37-38). Our greatest desire should be to love God and want to serve and obey Him. Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will keep my commandments” (Jn. 14:15). I love Miranda with all my heart. It is because of my great love for her, I try my hardest every day to please her and make her happy. You probably do the same thing with your spouse. Just as we love our spouses and try to please them, if we truly love God, we are going to live to please Him.

I’ve come across several people whose aim is to please God above everything else…but what about my life? As I go about my daily life, do I ever stop and consider if what I am doing is pleasing to God? Too often we are so busy we never consider whether what we are doing is pleasing to God. In fact, a lot of times if we do stop and think about what we are doing, it’s so we can decide if our current situation is pleasing to us. Think about it, we spend more time deciding how to please ourselves then we do God.

When our lives are so consumed with what pleases us and not what pleases God, we need a new heart.

I’m prayerfully asking each of us to consider the depths of our hearts. Although no one else can see the condition of your heart, God can (I Sam. 16:7). God sees whether or not your heart truly belongs to Him. He can see whether or not your heart is impure.

After David had committed adultery with Bathsheba and was convicted of his sin, he prayed to God, “Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew your steadfast spirit within me” (Psa. 51:10). Why not do the same right now.

Remember friends, the condition of our heart determines the outcome of our soul. The people of Judah were in the mess they were in because of the condition of their hearts. Don’t allow the condition of your heart to continue to go untreated, make an appointment with the Great Physician today.

Now that’s Something to Think About!

Oct 17

The Blessing That Continually Blesses

God has been so very good to me. He has given me so many wonderful blessings during my time on earth and I am grateful for every one. However, there is one blessing outside of my salvation that I am most thankful for. It is the one blessing I can’t imagine my life without. This blessing is such a blessing becasue it continually blesses my life. The blessing I am talking about is my wonderful wife and son (Miranda and Caden), although today’s post is focused on Miranda.

Today, marks the third wedding annivesary for Miranda and me. I am so blessed to have this wonderful woman of God as my best friend, my partner, the mommy of my little man, my spouse, my biggest fan, the best mother a child could ever dream of having and my wife. She makes me a better person and a better follower of Christ. Thanks to her, I am able to pursue a career that I absolutely LOVE! Even though it is time consuming, demanding and a lot of times an underappreciated work, she supports and encourages me to continue investing in the lives of young people, pointing their hearts toward Jesus. She does this because not only does she love me, but she loves young people too.

I can’t imagine doing everything she does on a daily basis. Being a mommy is a full time job alone, not to mention the housework, cooking, and cleaning she does. On top of all this, she is always right there by my side when it comes to my ministry. She attends almost everything we do, cooks for it and invests herself in the lives of the young people, all the while trying to balance time with our adorable little son, Caden, who LOVES, LOVES, LOVES his mommy.

I will never fully understand everything Miranda does to make my life, my work and my walk with God everything it is. I can’t imagine my life without this angel from above and I pray I never have to.

Thank you Miranda for being all that you are to Caden and me. We love you more than you will ever truly realize.

Happy Anniversary to the love of my life.

I Love You Miranda Morton!!!




Oct 16

When It’s Time For A New Heart Part 2

Yesterday, I began a series called, “When It’s Time For A New Heart.” If you missed part 1 click here.

God was displeased with the people of Judah for their disobedience. Through the prophet Ezekiel, God told the people He was going to give them a new heart (Eze. 36:26). But why? Why did the people of Judah need a new heart?

They Didn’t Despise Sin! The people of Judah allowed the sin around them (Eze. 36:25). They were practicing idolatry, something they knew they shouldn’t be involved in (Ex. 20:3-6). My question is, “Who was protesting and trying their hardest to stop the corruption that was taking place? Who was opposing their false idols?”  If anyone was in opposition, although I doubt it based on Ezekiel 22:30, why didn’t they try harder to stop the corruption around them? The reason seems pretty plain…they didn’t truly despise sin. They allowed sin to be around.

Christians today are too accepting of sin. We live in a culture that says, “Love the sinner but hate the sin.” However, I’m afraid there is not hatred of sin. It’s more like, we love the sinner and ignore the sin. In the book of Revelation, Jesus said He hated the deeds of the Nicolaitans (Rev. 2:6). If Jesus hated the evil around Him, shouldn’t we do the same?

Consider how accepting we are of sin. Take the television and movies for example. Both of these are filled with a lot of corruption and sin and yet we allow our kids and ourselves to watch such filth. David said, “I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless” (Psa. 101:3). How much damage have we done to our souls and the souls of our children by allowing such worthless content to be set before our eyes?

The Apostle Paul said, “Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good” (Rom. 12:9). The word “Abhor” means, “To regard with extreme repugnance; loathe.”

We should despise and hate sin. Ezekiel told the people God was going to cause them to remember their evil ways and loathe themselves because of their sins (vs. 31-32). The word “loathe” means, “to dislike greatly often with disgust or intolerance; detest.”

When we see sin in our own life or the lives of others, we should loathe it. We should be disgusted by what lives filled with sin looks like. We should want to rid our lives of sin, after all, it is our sins and iniquities that separate us from God (Isa. 59:2). The Psalmist said, “O you who love the Lord, hate evil…” (Psa. 97:10). If we really love God, we will hate those things He finds offensive. Yes, I agree wholeheartedly, we are to love sinners. Let’s just not forget the part about hating sin.

Friends, when we don’t despise and hate sin, we need a new heart.

Now that’s Something to Think About!

Oct 15

When It’s Time for a New Heart – Part 1

 Christiaan Barnard performed the world’s first adult human heart transplant on Louis Washkansky on December 3, 1967 in Cape Town South Africa. One month later, Norman Shumway performed the first adult heart transplant in the United States on January 6, 1968 at Stanford University Hospital. Since this time, heart transplantation has become fairly common with about 5,000 heart transplants being performed annually worldwide, 2,000 of those being performed in the United States alone.

The heart is an important organ. I am so thankful for the advancements that have been made in the field of medicine. Because of such advancements, countless lives have been saved through procedures like heart transplants.

Did you know the Bible talks about the heart over 900x’s. Our heart is the essence of who we are. The wise man said it best when he said, “As in water face reflect face, so the heart of man reflects the man” (Prov. 27:19).

Just as the condition of our physical heart determines the outcome of our life, the spiritual condition of our heart determines the outcome of our soul!

In Ezekiel 36:24-28, God tells the people of Judah He is going to give them a new heart and a new spirit. But why? Why did they need a new heart?

Their Lives Weren’t Pure!

The people of Judah allowed their lives to be corrupted by sin. Notice what God tells the people, “I will clean you from all your uncleannesses” (v. 25); “I will deliver you from all your uncleannesses” (v. 29); “I will cleanse you from all your iniquities” (v. 33).

The fact that the people of Judah allowed their lives to be corrupted by sin is evident by the lifestyle they were living. They were worshipping idols and false gods instead of the God who had done so much for them. Their lifestyle was so bad, God called the people of Judah a rebellious and stubborn people who transgressed against Him (Eze. 2:3-4). I don’t know about you, but I’ve been called stubborn before, but I pray it has never been by God. The people of Judah’s relationship with God was drastically affected because their lives weren’t pure, they were corrupt.

Friends, Satan wants nothing more than to contaminate our lives with sin. This is fairly easy to do since there is a sin epidemic all around us. It doesn’t matter where you are, it’s there. A few weeks ago I was walking around one of the stores here locally. While standing in the aisle, there were a couple of teenagers, maybe early 20’s, cussing with every other breath they took. The sad thing is I wasn’t the only customer in this aisle. There were small children standing with their parents too. It was a sad reminder that our world is contaminated with sin.

I’m afraid Christians think on a personal level, “If I stop sinning, I stop the problem.” Unfortunately, this is simply not true. When our lives aren’t pure, it’s more than a sin problem, it’s a heart problem.

Our lives aren’t pure when our hearts aren’t pure.

Consider what Jesus said to His disciples about what defiles a person…

18 And He *said to them, “Are you so lacking in understanding also? Do you not understand that whatever goes into the man from outside cannot defile him, 19 because it does not go into his heart, but into his stomach, and is eliminated?” (Thus He declared all foods clean.) 20 And He was saying, “That which proceeds out of the man, that is what defiles the man. 21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, 22 deeds of coveting and wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, [envy, slander, pride and foolishness. 23 All these evil things proceed from within and defile the man” (Mark 7:18-23).

Our impure lives indicate we have a problem with our hearts. Jesus said it’s not what goes in but what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man because it comes from the heart. We can stop sinning but that doesn’t change the problem. Let me give you an example…suppose a person was committing adultery on their spouse. Just because this person stops committing the physical act of adultery doesn’t mean this person doesn’t have a problem. Jesus said, “Everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matt. 5:28). Just because he is not outwardly committing adultery doesn’t mean everything is okay. He still has a problem. His heart isn’t pure!

We can use the example of murder and see the same thing. A person doesn’t have to physically commit murder in order to have an impure heart and be a murderer. John said, “Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him” (I Jn. 3:15). This person still has a heart issue.

John Piper said it well when he said, “The aim of Jesus Christ is not to reform the manners of society, but to change the hearts of sinners like you and me.”

Our desire as Christians should be to have a pure heart. The Bible teaches that the pure in heart will see God (Matt. 5:8). I have no doubts this is the desire of every person reading this post. The problem is not our desire; the problem is we allow our lives to be infected with sin to the point it corrupts our hearts. The people of Judah needed a new heart becasue their lives weren’t pure.

Guard your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the issues of life” (Prov. 4:23).

Now that’s Something to Think About!