Mar 28

A Necessary Habit

confession_t_nvhere. Today, I want us to think about a Necessary Habit we need in our lives.

Have you ever tried to hide something you’d done from others? When I was a kid there were times I would try to hide things from my parents because I was afraid of what might happen if they ever found out I had disobeyed them. I’m sure most of you can relate to this. As children, we’ve all been down the road of hidden secrets. Sadly, many of us try to do the very same thing as Christians; we try to keep our sins hidden from others as well as from God.

One old saying says there is no stronger sin than sin that remains hidden. I believe the reason for this is because hidden sin has the potential to prove costly in our lives. Consider just a few of the ways secret sins can be costly:

1. Our secret sins keep us from enjoying the relationship with God we were created to enjoy. Isaiah told the people their sins had made a separation between them and God (Isa. 59:2). Our sins, including those we think we have very well hidden, will do the same to us today. All sin, whether public or hidden, causes a separation between us and God.

2. As long as we think our sins are hidden, we most likely will continue doing them. If we feel our secret sins are unknown to others, we won’t think about the consequences and will continue to practice such sins. Paul told the Christians in Rome that God would judge even the secrets of men (Rom. 2:16). Friends no “secret” sin is hidden from God so why not stop trying to hide them? Confess your sins and avoid continually practicing them.

3. When we try to keep our secret sins hidden, guilt begins to eat at us. Perhaps one of the biggest reasons this occurs is because we begin to feel as though we are fakes. We know others who hold us in high regard because they don’t know the secret lives we are living and this causes us to feel guilty. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for their hypocritical behavior (Matt. 23). Let’s be careful not to be people who look good on the outside but on the inside are living impure lives of secret sin.

Friends, instead of trying to keep our secret sins hidden, why not confess our shortcomings? James wrote, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed” (Jam. 5:16). Through confessing the very things we are trying to hide, we can find healing and forgiveness, both from others and from God (I Jn. 1:9).

May God open our hearts to the necessary habit of confession.

QUESTION: Why is confession a habit we find hard to practice?

Mar 13

A Neglected Habit

One of the most important habits we can participate in is Bible study. Sadly though, this is one of the most often neglected habits in the lives of Christians. Even though this habit is widely neglected among the so called “religious” today, we would all agree Scripture speaks about the study of the Word and the importance of it. Consider just a few things that make Bible study important:

1). God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psa. 119:105).

2). The Word of God helps us in our battle with sin (Psa. 119:9, 11).

3). The more we study the Word, the more we accurately handle the Word of Truth (2 Tim. 2:15).

4). Through studying the Word, we discover the truth found in scripture (Jn. 8:31-32).

5). Spending time in the Word helps us to know how we are to live our lives (Col. 1:9-10).

Just the other day, I posted the following question on Twitter: “What is the biggest hindrance to you when it comes to reading the Bible?” Several of the answers were: I’m just so busy, I have a hard time concentrating and I’ve read and heard it all before. I’m afraid too many Christians don’t attempt Bible study because it seems too hard. Perhaps the reason it seems too hard is because we don’t know how to study the Bible.

Let’s consider a few tips that can help us in our study of the Word. Always remember, before you do anything else, begin your Bible study by praying and asking God to give you an open heart and mind.

1). Study the text over and over. This is the easiest way to learn. The more we study something over and over, the more it penetrates into the depths of our hearts and takes shape in our lives.

2). Know the context. Read the verses before and after what you are studying. Sometimes it’s beneficial to read a chapter or two before and after the text you are studying. If we don’t know the context, we may walk away from our study with the wrong idea about the passage we studied.

3). Make sure you are able to give your full concentration. Many things can distract us and get our minds off what we are studying. Find a quiet place and time so you can give the study your full attention.

4). Be sure you comprehend what you study. It’s okay if some days you don’t cover as much as you would like. Take your time and look up key words, phrases and things you don’t understand. It will make a huge difference in how much you truly comprehend.

5). Take time to make application. This is an area many struggle with. Studying the Word is good, but applying the Word is crucial. Find ways to use what you have studied in your daily life. Remember, “Thy Word is a lamp to our feet and a guide to our path” (Psa. 119:105).

In a few of my Bibles I have a book mark that reads, “Every time the Bible is opened knowledge is gained!” This statement is so full of truth. It’s time the people of God start opening the Word and digging deep within. Let’s take what is often a neglected habit and make it a part of our daily lives. You just might begin to see the difference the Word of God can truly make in your life!

QUESTION: What is the biggest hindrance for you when it comes to reading God’s Word? What tips would you give someone wanting to get the most out of their time of study?

Feb 21

The Power of Words

Words are powerful. What we say or write may mean different things to different people. The wise man said, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Prov. 18:21). Friends, our words convey a message. The question we must always ask ourselves is, “What message does my words send to others?”

Let’s be sure we use our words wisely! Take a couple of minutes and watch this touching video. It wasn’t anything like I expected. It will certainly cause you to think about the power of your words. Enjoy!

Jan 30

A Much Needed Pep Talk

Some of you may have heard about a young man who is taking a generation by surprise. His name is Robbie and he is the self-appointed Kid President. Kid President is the brother-in-law of my good friend Brad Montague, who I have known for several years. Together, they are on a mission to change the world. Take about 3 minutes and watch this video which has been viewed over 4 million times on youtube in just 5 days . It’s some great advice for all of us to follow.

P.S. Kid President will be on the Today show this morning. I plan to post the video once it becomes available. I hope you enjoy!


Jan 24

Homecoming King Gives Up Crown

With all the negative media coverage lately, I thought it would be good to share something positive for a change. The following link is to a video about a high school homecoming court from Middle Tennessee who placed the interest of another student above their own. Take a few minutes and watch this video, you will be glad you did.